Production-ready screens
Sept 2021  (2 weeks)
MutualAid.World logo


Resilience App Landing Page Redesign
The Resilience App is a tool by MutualAid.World dedicated to help organizations.  I was brought on to redesign a dynamic landing page that serves as a platform for community organizations with people in need and willing volunteers.
The objective for this Landing Page redesigning were the following:
  1. Recruit volunteers and connect them with people in need
  2. Reinforce MutualAid.World brand
  3. Maintain a great experience for users across different all devices
Landing Page Audit
I started the redesign by doing an audit of the existing page and documented the areas that would need to be addressed. These areas were then discussed with the other designers on our team.
Screenshot from
final designs
The redesign of the Landing Page addressed each of the issues found in the original design and was also created to be responsive across devices.
Previous Mobile Design
Revised Design
Previous Tablet Design
Revised Design
Previous Desktop Design
Revised Design
Redesigning the landing page for MutualAid.World was a way to put into practice how to make my design responsive. My initial redesign from the original landing page introduced punchy colors and made an effort to unify the design with simplifying boring stock images with icons, however it fell short in clearly communicating what the focus of the page was about.
Through this redesign I was able to clearly convey the purpose of the site as well as using illustrations to communicate the emotional appeal of the interface as well while creating a unified aesthetic.